Walt Before Mickey

Walt Before Mickey (2015)

Rated G 120 min - Drama
Based on the book "Walt Before Mickey" covers the early years of Walt Disney's career. The legendary Walt Disney had a tumultuous childhood, yet he was determined to overcome obstacles in his path, before the creation of his first iconic character: Mickey Mouse.

Release Date: April 3, 2015

10 Movie Reviews
  • pickletiger
    pickletigerover 9 years
    I actually just watched a trailer on this movie on imdb. looks amazing. its actually rated pg.
    • pickletiger
      pickletigerover 9 years
      Based on a book you say? Sounds awesome. Who here has heard of Oswald The Lucky Bunny. Yes, the cute little guy featured in Epic Mickey AND Epic Mickey 2. Follow me if you like either of those games!!!!
      • besialmost 10 years
        i never has seen this movie but i think is beautiful
        • yolofly
          yoloflyalmost 10 years55 popcorn
          This (Walt disney) Dude is dehr best!! Can't wait to see his past
          • Ezra Rodriguezalmost 10 years
            I have never seen 'Walt Before Mickey' before(or even heard of it)but I think this movie will be awesome!
            • sweetpicks
              sweetpicksalmost 10 years55 popcorn
              This seems like an interesting movie. I am a huge Disney fan and did a report on him for school. It will be interesting to see how the movie will turn out.
              • nerd_girl
                nerd_girlalmost 10 years
                Wow, that movie sounds really awesome. And it just came out recently! I haven't seen any commercials, though...
                • gso44
                  gso44almost 10 years
                  Hi guys is this movie good? it sounds really good
                  • mewolfie16
                    mewolfie16almost 10 years
                    love it
                    • lolhaha
                      lolhahaalmost 10 years55 popcorn
                      I LOVE THIS MOVIE

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