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Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made

Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made (2020)

An 11-year old boy believes that he is the best detective in town and runs the agency Total Failures with his best friend, an imaginary 1,200 pound polar bear.

Release Date: January 25, 2020

16 Movie Reviews
  • sedjro
    sedjroover 3 years
    I have been wanting to watch for days (not years)! I still can't watch it since I don't have Disney+. But if you watch it, please tell me about it.
    • booklove01
      booklove01over 4 years55 popcorn
      So good you should watch it it is about An 11-year-old boy who believes that he is the best detective in town runs the agency Total Failures with his best friend, an imaginary 1,500-pound polar bear. Such a good book and would recommend the books as well
      • unicornloveralmost 5 years
        I've never read the book. But the movie in my opinion was a little weird. When they went on the field trip it made NO since to me.
        • Miraalmost 5 years
          • Tiaraalmost 5 years
            This is an awesome movie
            • unicorn2010
              unicorn2010almost 5 years55 popcorn
              Well, I read the book so I knew this would happen, but I got soooo sad when Total had to go to the zoo.
              • unicorn2010
                unicorn2010almost 5 years55 popcorn
                OMG I finished watching it today and the end has a real twist!
                • SLOTHabout 5 years
                  So awesome
                  • Charlieabout 5 years
                    Love it do much fun
                    • Iruneabout 5 years
                      I think is very good movie

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