The Sandlot

The Sandlot (1993)

Rated PG 101 min - Family Comedy
During a summer of friendship and adventure, one boy becomes a part of the gang, nine boys become a team and their leader becomes a legend by confronting the terrifying mystery beyond the right field wall.

Directors: David M. Evans, Chauncey Leopardi

Cast: Tom Guiry, Mike Vitar, Patrick Renna, Chauncey Leopardi, and Marty York

Release Date: April 7, 1993

63 Movie Reviews
  • coolkid276over 8 years
    Love the first one HATE the second one
    • MLGEverett19over 8 years
      and never loose a signed ball by BABE ROTH !!!!!!!
      • MLGEverett19over 8 years
        this movie kinda teaches you to play baseball
        • dontdothat!over 8 years
          Hmm...good movie! I really love softball,thats why I watched it,so funny,I don't wanna spoil the movie,but it's about when these kids,are playing baseball,and they lose their ball. They want to go get it but are scared of a bulldog which they think kills little kids and humans. If you love dogs,baseball,and friendship,I recommend watching this.
          • cavemanlama12
            cavemanlama12over 8 years
            i like it, the comebacks though
            • nachochip
              nachochipover 8 years33 popcorn
              • sam ate 2 fishover 8 years
                Go smalls Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                • memoiloveit
                  memoiloveitalmost 9 years22 popcorn
                  I didn't watch this movie out of my own will. I thought it was okay because it's interesting, but not the best movie
                  • geomeiarsalmost 9 years
                    this movie is so awesome!
                    • bestbaegirl
                      bestbaegirlalmost 9 years
                      love this movie

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