Smurfs: The Lost Village

Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)

Release Date: April 7, 2017

48 Movie Reviews
  • emilyalmost 8 years
    • karma189
      karma189almost 8 years
      This movie is for someone who has birthday party
      • lizziealmost 8 years
        loved it rilly good move
        • lolalmost 8 years
          yes its so cool
          • Dgfgbhgvbbgvbbbalmost 8 years
            I wish there was a trailer to watch
            • yo_tysasalmost 8 years
              so cool
              • meowth
                meowthalmost 8 years
                Why are they still making movies about the Smurfs?
                • #OnePridealmost 8 years
                  They need to stop doing Smurfs movies
                  • shaunrox3
                    shaunrox3almost 8 years55 popcorn
                    I kind love this movie because I am a fan of smurf movies and I have seen the smurfs,The smurfs 2,and this movie I like popa smurf he is old like my granpa and popa smurf is wise and my granpa is wise aswell but my gramp likes truck racing just to put it out there.
                    • Papa_Smufalmost 8 years

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