Pokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective Pikachu
Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)

In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.

Release Date: May 10, 2019

311 Movie Reviews
  • Linkeoover 5 years
    It was amazing
    • Evelyn over 5 years
      Go and cool movies is nice but I haven't see the movie ok
      • Bryson_booman Iover 5 years
        I love it
        • The lego creatoover 5 years
          Ilove this movie
          • dudeover 5 years
            funny and action -packed
            • Jan Jadgal Jigeover 5 years
              I like this movie
              • nglover 5 years
                not gonna lie, this movie pretty swag swag
                • Annaover 5 years
                  I love this movie
                  • Lacyover 5 years
                    I loved the movie. It was funny,suspenceful,and overall,a AWESOME movie
                    • Annieover 5 years
                      It is so funny

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