Pokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective PikachuPokémon Detective Pikachu
Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)

In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.

Release Date: May 10, 2019

311 Movie Reviews
  • Stagmire12 over 5 years
    It was just the best thing ever
    • Beanover 5 years
      It was the best movie I ever saw
      • reeceachu
        reeceachuover 5 years55 popcorn
        this was my absulate favourite movie ive ever wathed it has so many plots and betrays i recommened watching this movie all the pokemon look so real and pikachu is adorable and cute i loved all the pokemon and i getted everything 5 stars
        • Mary Alvarez deover 5 years
          the movie is very good
          • Lichover 5 years
            This sooo cool
            • Esmaover 5 years
              I love it
              • Lil Crystalover 5 years
                My cousin said it's boring because it was not the real Pikachu I don't know So sad
                • Ueuover 5 years
                  Why do you think that the men who were in this situation would have been in the wrong place and a few years ago.
                  • Amadover 5 years
                    I like this
                    • Ususuover 5 years
                      It was great.

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