Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams (1989)

Rated PG 107 min - Drama Fantasy
Ray Kinsella is an Iowa farmer who hears a mysterious voice telling him to turn his cornfield into a baseball diamond. He does, but the voice's directions don't stop -- even after the spirits of deceased ballplayers turn up to play.

Directors: Phil Alden Robinson

Cast: Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, and Burt Lancaster

Release Date: April 21, 1989

4 Movie Reviews
  • 35whtdwar
    35whtdwarover 3 years55 popcorn
    This movie is amazing if your a sports fan. Very good story with it. I loved watching this movie with my dad. This is one of my the best baseball movies.
    • shellel499
      shellel499about 7 years55 popcorn
      I love this story it is so heartwarming and has a great plot . There is so much you could say about this movie but one word sums it up,awesome. If you like a good adventure and a touch of history this is the movie for you !! Enjoy it!
      • willywu14
        willywu14about 12 years
        I love field of dreams because it is about baseball and it is exiting
        • ebaseball
          ebaseballover 12 years55 popcorn
          I love field of dreams because it is interesting,about baseball history,dramatic, and suspenceful. It even includes one of baseball's biggest scandal (The Black Sox Scandal ).

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