Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess (2008)
Cast: Harrison Chad, Kathleen Herles, Marc Weiner, and Sasha Toro
5 Movie Reviews
- You know I'm bored when I'm on dogomovies searching movies I watched when I was a little kid lol. So apparently when I was little this movie was everything for me lol my dad told me I watched it SO MANY TIMES he memorized it lolol he also said I would beg & beg for him to turn it on 😂 anyways please don't make fun of me, I'm just bored & wanted to share.
- Not to be mean, but this is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. Although it for toddlers, it has the worst plot. This movie might be suitable for 1 month years olds, who don't even watch movies. This was made before Frozen, but overtime I see it (with little sister), I always think of Frozen. In this movie, Dora really doesn't do anything. She's not the main character, despite the title. I would recommend this book to... anyone who can't see or hear! :)
- Oh my gosh. I am not a toddler, but this still is a good movie for younger kids. Spanish is an essential language.
- In my humble opinion I think Diego is a LOT better
- This was a terrible movie and should be worth zero popcorn but I'm not sure that is an option. It is THE worst movie I have ever watched. Dora doesn't even do anything.