Descendants (2015)
A present-day idyllic kingdom where the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle offers a chance of redemption for the troublemaking offspring of Disney's classic villains: Cruella De Vil (Carlos), Maleficent (Mal), the Evil Queen (Evie) and Jafar (Jay).
Release Date: July 31, 2015
454 Movie Reviews
- thalia14about 9 yearsThis movie is to die for!
- Descendantsloveabout 9 yearsI'd love to watch this movie. Tell me abou it when you watch it!!!
- cool catabout 9 yearsI love it my favorite one is evie she is cool!
- i love kadi_forevs
- lovewithfiremalabout 9 yearsI love this movie and I have the novel of it!Also I love Evie and Mal.
- kadi_forevsabout 9 years*acts like Raven when she meets the pretty pretty pegasas* I love it, sooooooooo much!
- i like you kadi_forevs so amazing
- just joking i dont love you your cool though
- i saw it is nice and cool
- percy_jackson10about 9 yearsI love this movie so much!! Mostly because Dove Cameron is in it. Also cause the plot is good.
- Gloriaevieabout 9 yearsI love this because of the action and I HAVE THE VOICE OF OF SOFIA CARSON!!!