Descendants (2015)
A present-day idyllic kingdom where the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle offers a chance of redemption for the troublemaking offspring of Disney's classic villains: Cruella De Vil (Carlos), Maleficent (Mal), the Evil Queen (Evie) and Jafar (Jay).
Release Date: July 31, 2015
454 Movie Reviews
- The children of fairytale character idea was kind of already taken.
- gymnastgirl41about 9 yearsThis movie is awesome!!!!!! I watched it 10 times!! Mal is amazing
- awesome girl 31about 9 yearsI think descendants is a fine!!!! I always wanted to be Mal.
- Awesome movie!!!!!!
- I have seen it like, 5 times!!!
- snowboard12about 9 yearsCheesy. Nice music though... They really could have made it better.
- This movie was ok. I didnt like the acting it was kind of cheesy. The singing was fine but the acting kind of could have been better
- Book23 about 9 yearsCool 😎
- It looks cool, but I don't really like the romance stuff.
- I WANNA SEE THIS SO BAD!!! can't get rotten to the core out of my head>3