A Doggone Christmas
A Doggone Christmas

A Doggone Christmas (2016)

Rated G 82 min - Family
When the CIA discovers a cute orphan puppy with amazing telepathic abilities, the powers-that-be in Washington immediately lock him down and plan on forcing the poor dog to become a covert secret weapon. But fate steps in and frees the pint-sized Jack Russel Terrier from government clutches

Release Date: November 19, 2016

5 Movie Reviews
  • pugpresley11223
    pugpresley11223over 6 years55 popcorn
    this movie is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜‹β˜ΊπŸ˜πŸ˜”πŸ˜πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜³πŸ˜˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜œ
    • ethanalmost 8 years
      it is love
      • ethalmost 8 years
        i love it
        • Kentalmost 8 years
          • Queen Balmost 8 years
            Dogs are cute, I LOVE THIS MOVIE <33333 Like it's the best movie a little sad but other wise it is a adveturest dog and I just love it I just LOVE DOGONEWS.COM

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